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KI3Y, Peter Jackson, Candidate for Vice President in Dec 2016 Election

Name: Peter Jackson
QTH: Rumney, NH
ECARS History:

Member Since: 2015. Lifetime member #30513
Previous Offices/Duties: None
Current Net Control Operator: Yes, assigned NCS twice weekly plus periodic fill ins when others cannot make scheule.

Other Amateur Radio History:

HAM since 2014, Extra Class since 2015, VE since 2015. 

I have a small station at home that I enjoy improving every few months, as most of us in the hobby do. I am a perpetual tinkerer and builder, so there is always some project in flight on my shack desk. 

I am active in ARES in Central NH, I volunteer for at least 6 public service events per year. My favorite events to work are the VT 100, Laconia Sled Dog Races, and the Boston Marathon. I also work the Covered Bridges Marathon in Vermont, the VT 50, and I am the EC Coordinator for the Squam Ridge Race in Ashland, NH. 

I am currently working on building QRO Logger (coming soon:, which will be a web, mobile, and desktop logger built to operate and synchronize your data everywhere. 

Personal Comments:
My first non-profit love is the Rumney Climbers' Association ( where I serve on the board of directors (my 4th year on the board). I served as the Treasurer of the RCA from 2014-2015, where I was instrumental in securing the RCA's 501(c)(3) designation. More recently, I worked on the leadership team of a land acquisition project that secured 88 acres of land for recreation under the stewardship of the RCA. My fundraising efforts on that project netted 20% of the overall donations that made the project possible. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed providing the ECARS service and have learned a lot from the regulars. I met an Elmer or two on ECARS who have helped me improve my station and find new aspects of the hobby to enjoy. 

In my professional life, I am a small business owner: I make software for a living. My business gives me a bit of flexibility in the hours I work, which is why I am able to volunteer as an NCS. I started filling in shifts in 2015, took a regular slot in early 2016, and picked up a second regular slot in the summer of 2016.

In addition to Ham radio, I enjoy hiking, rock climbing, raising chickens, micro-farming, and software development in my spare time.